Friday 24 June 2011

Maintenance Phase

I have been so lazy to update my post especially after I completed the last 3 phases of this diet ie the loading (best part), the core phase on VLCD, the transition also on VLCD and at last today is officially the last day of the last phase of the program, the maintainence phase...yeay! I have managed to stabilize my weight at 63.5 to 63.8 kg so far which is acceptable considering that my last weight after the transition was at 63 kg. As long as I didn't put on more than 1 kg, it should be alright. I didn't have to do any apple or steak day on this program; meant to break any weight gain or plateau in case it happens. Happy to report that two friends that started on this program also lost some weight, one lost 9 kg in 29 days VLCD and another lost 5 kg in 20 VLCD days despite cheating occasionally. I wish more people are doing this program so they will get healthier and happy. It was so depressing for me when I was trying to lose my weight without much success for many years. HCG Diet-33 has become my product and hopefully I can do my part in helping people get back their old selves hidden by the accumulated fats due to unhealthy eating habits or health limitations that led them to put on the pounds..let's grab this second chance in life to lose the weight and live healthier lives going forward.. We all want to age gracefully as we cannot be young forever. Losing the weight will definitely lessen our risks of getting serious age related health issues ie joint pains, high sugar, high cholesterol, high BP and heart problems. My basic reasons for desperately looking for solution to lose the weight apart from the obviously vain reason of wanting to look good at my age, at any age..

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