Thursday 8 September 2011


Source from: Clara Duffy - Hcg'ers, USA. 6:08am Aug 12

Phase 3 information for Dr. Simeon's no starch no sugar - 21 days duration

Quote: Sugar is sugar, so no cake, pie, candy, soft drinks, kool-aid, processed food, energy drinks, fruit juice, honey, yogurt, donuts, cookies, pudding, maple syrup, brownies, canned fruit in heavy syrup, ice cream, cool whip, boxed breakfast cereals, breakfast bars, granola - nothing with sugar. You will also have to stay away from high sugar fruits, such as watermelon, pineapple, bananas (also contain starch), grapes, mangos, pears, dried fruits, etc. I wouldn't juice while on this phase due to the sugar content of the juice and the lack of fiber.

Start reading labels on food - there is sugar in just about anything in a can or a box, including canned vegetables, mayo, Miracle Whip, tuna, spaghetti sauce, pizza sauce, salad dressing, just to name a few. Quite a lot of dairy products have sugar. Condiments are full of sugar: ketchup, BBQ sauce, yellow mustard, pickle relish, pickles, bottled marinade sauces - when in doubt, always read the label. If sugar is listed in the first to third position the majority of that food is sugar.

Starch is cornstarch, white flour, wheat flour, any flour, pasta, any bread or bread product, breadsticks, bagels, hamburger and hotdog buns, crackers, tortillas, oatmeal, rice, peas, corn, lentils, pita bread, pretzels, corn chips, potato chips, yams, potatoes, pancakes, muffins, just about all root vegetables, fried chicken (coating), any breading on fish, chicken, etc., beans, grains, acorn squash, butternut squash, cereals, popcorn, biscuits, corn bread, taco shells, croutons, rice cakes, Cream of Wheat, corn meal, quite a few nuts contain starch, etc.

The majority of the processed foods listed above contain sugar, too.

You will need to watch eating at fast food places - McDonald's adds sugar to their french fries and their grilled chicken breast, for example. I read an article the other day that said a McDonald's grilled chicken salad contains more sugar than their Big Mac. Hard telling what is in that mystery meat they put on that Big Mac bun, too. If you knew where those cows came from, how they were raised and what they were fed in the feedlots, you would never eat another fast food hamburger in your life. In fact, you'd never eat any hamburger again, no matter whether it was fast food or grocery store, LOL. Same way with the chickens and turkeys.

Almost all cold cuts have added sugar or nitrates and nitrites, plus added starch. Processed meat can be cured in sugar or have added sugar. A lot of summer sausage has added sugar, chemicals and starch. Hotdogs and sausage is usually full of starch and sugar, not to mention the chemicals. Read the labels on fresh or frozen turkey or turkey breast - often they are injected with a solution containing sugar, chemicals and a lot of salt.

Some cheese contains sugar, depending on the type - you'll have to read the labels. If it says "processed cheese food", throw it back.

Stick with what you have been eating, just more of it. Mix your vegetables at this time in a large salad and add more chicken, shrimp, crab or steak as your protein. I look forward to cooking my chicken in olive oil again and using olive oil based marinades.

Marinades are three parts: an oil, an acid and spices or some sort of flavoring. I plan on marinating in olive oil, lemon or lime juice and more fresh herbs or herbs from the pantry.

Add salmon to your diet and tuna, and some of the higher fat fish we haven't been allowed. Eat vegetables we haven't been allowed to, as long as they aren't a starchy vegetable like potatoes or corn, etc. Make your own mayo, mix it with some diced eggs, celery and good canned albacore tuna and have tuna salad on top of your green salad, or alone. Same with egg salad. Mound the egg or tuna salad on cucumber rounds instead of crackers.

Go for Shrimp Scampi - shrimp and butter, broiled, with a squirt of fresh lemon juice. Yum-yum. Eat eggs, cooked in butter, omelets with cheese, fresh egg omelets with diced vegetables such as onion, red pepper, green pepper, mushrooms, perhaps a bit of diced chicken. Steak and eggs. Cauliflower and broccoli with cheese or cauliflower or broccoli with fresh lemon juice and butter. Quiche! Crustless quiche made with ghee, eggs, heavy cream, fresh vegetables and/or chicken - oh my!

You will have to watch eating out and eating such things as eggs, steaks and omelets, as most places use butter-flavored trans fats to cook that type of food. Be selective in your restaurant choices and opt for the higher end places and don't be afraid to request your food be cooked only in butter. A true chef in the kitchen that cares about what he puts on a plate will be glad to accommodate your wishes. Paying a little bit extra is well worth the taste and enjoyment you'll get out of the food - and remember, you're worth it. It's your body and you've only got the one!

Get some organic heavy cream and whip it up, adding a bit of vanilla extract and Stevia. Garnish fresh blueberries, strawberries, black berries, raspberries with it. You could take the berries and drizzle a bit of homemade chocolate sauce on them - mix stevia or sweetener of your choice with a high quality starchless cocoa and a little milk, cook the mixture for a little bit and use it as a fruit topping. There are a lot of low-carb ice cream recipes out there where you use heavy cream and sweeteners, there are also cheesecake recipes you can make yourself and other dessert recipes where you can control the ingredients and know you're not getting any added sugar or starch. Make your own hot chocolate using milk, a good quality cocoa and sweetener of your choice. Garnish it with a little bit of your whipped cream.

Use egg yolks, lemon juice, butter and make a Hollandaise sauce and add that to your asparagus or other vegetables.

Keep in mind, too, that depending on how long you were on the VLCD, your system has been going through a type of cleanse and has been limited to certain kinds and types of food. Adding in a lot of things very quickly, particularly depending on the kind of fat is used in cooking, could make you sick. Add the fats back in slowly and use only good, high quality fats. Stay away from corn, vegetable and canola oil and opt for a good, high quality olive oil instead.

Stick to what you've been eating, add more of it and expand with good food choices. Keep your food choices from the perimeter of the store which is the fresh produce dept., the meat and fish dept., and the dairy dept. Stay out of the middle aisles and avoid that area of the store. There is nothing alive in the middle of the store. It is dead, processed food that has been packed in cans and boxes. Remember what made you overweight to begin with.

1 comment:

  1. Had i known then what i know now??? Hehehe... I have been very naughty then Jai...not complying to this guideline at all! No wonder I am not stabilizing well :(
