Thursday 8 September 2011

Stabilization for Jazz and Jai

Had to force myself to start posting again...the spirit of Eid is really getting to me and I am getting lazy... There were traveling, visiting, receiving guests to do and all around were full of food and lovely and yummy cookies to sample. Today I attended 2 corporate Hari Raya do and tasted almost everything on sight although not much per portion but in combination it's definitely sinful in Dr Simeon's HCG terms....haha.

By the way the most important update, the damage to us so far:

As at today, Jazz weighed in at 84 kg. He had a max weight of 84.7 kg during the Eid's gorging spree week before stabilizing.
Myself at 61.8 kg today. Had a max of 62.7 kg during Eid's food craze week before stabilizing. Didn't bother to weigh in daily last week as we didn't bring the scale to hubby's hometown in Penang, so the max weight could have been higher...urghh! Well, today's weight is what I wanted to count..hehe.

I would say that our gains are within expectations (after Diet-33 experience in Round 1) the gains can be considered mild taking into account the amount of food that we gorged on, all starchy and sugary stuff synonym with Eid's feasting. I am pleasantly surprised that we didn't gain 5 kilos as it was so easy to gain 5 kilos before we did this Diet. I am convinced that somehow our metabolism has improved but definitely to be stable, we have to be more mindful of what we put inside our mouth. Starch and sugar are really the big culprit to make me feel kind of tired and bloated this past week. I can physically feel my body protesting to the junks I ate but of coz the junks were just too tempting to pass. Anyway, this Eid festivities are for a month and I have consciously slowed down on my food intake so I can confine the gorging to weekends where the food galore will be ample. So Happy Raya/Eid my friends...may we continue to remind ourselves to focus on healthier eating.

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