Tuesday 4 October 2011

Benefits of Fish/Marine Collagen

Marine collagen is a material derived from the substance found on fish scales. It has been widely used in Japan for many years as a natural supplement. People who use marine collagen claim it has various benefits, which include healthier bones and skin.

The reason why collagen products are so popular is that increased collagen can make the body function more effectively. Collagen production is vital to healthy skin, hair, bones and joints. Reduced levels of collagen are especially noticeable in the skin because the skin loses its elasticity and becomes prone to sagging with age. Some people choose products with collagen in them to assist the skin in becoming firmer and softer. Often, vitamin makers will put collagen in with vitamins as an extra bonus for skin, hair and nails.

Since marine collagen is becoming widely marketed in skin products, more people are turning to this natural substance for its purported anti-aging benefits. While the appearance and texture of skin is partially determined by genetics, certain detrimental factors affect a person’s skin such as environmental toxins, diet and smoking. Some consumers think using marine collagen may help them diminish the signs of aging and decrease the negative effects of toxins.

Fish collagen is also being used in hair products for added shine and thicker hair. Advantages of marine collagen supplements is that the substance is odorless and tasteless. There have not been any reported side effects and it is considered a safe substance. Since the use of this particular collagen is still relatively new, there have not been enough studies conducted to determine the long-term safety of the product. With any new supplement, it is best to use it in cautionary amounts in order to see how the body will react to it.

Even if a skin care product contains all natural ingredients, it can still cause the user to have skin irritation. People who have sensitive skin may need to use a small amount of the collagen cream or lotion to make sure there are not any allergic reactions. Signs of an allergic reaction to any product include redness, bumps and overly dry skin.

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