Tuesday 11 October 2011

Diet-33 Meal Ideas When Eating Out

Not everyone has the time or the benefits of preparing their own meals whilst on this diet. Hence, it is not an easy feat to be "Perfectly On Protocol" (POP) as laid out by Dr Simeons.

I would like to share some of my eating out meals that can be considered should you absolutely need to find fast and easy hcg friendly meals especially during busy days, official business luncheon or travelling or even when you get so bored with your own cooking and needed a break by having a tasty restaurant meals. These suggestions will not be POP but if you are willing to take the risk of either a weight gain or a stall, then it's something that you can perhaps consider. Obviously, everybody will have a different reaction to a slight cheat or not POP meals but from my own experience, I would still get some weight loss with eating out, majority of the time although the rate is not as fantastic as when I am POP.

Be mindful that despite eating out you must adhere to the 100 gm protein limit per meal and not mixing the vegetable choices to be close to protocol.

Some of the possible meals you may want to consider are:-

At Chicken Rice Stalls/Local & Chinese Restaurants:
1. A roasted or steamed chicken breast to be eaten with just fresh salad or cucumber or tomatoes; Without the skin, rice, soy sauce and sweet chillies.

At Mexican/Fusion Restaurants such as Las Carretas, Chillis, HRC etc:
2. A half portion of grilled fajitas either beef or chicken to be eaten with just fresh salad/lettuce; Without the tortillas and accompanying dressings ie cheese, beans, avocados etc. Request them to replace these with extra salad/lettuce. Normally, full meal has to be shared by two persons as the protein portion will exceed 100gm if you eat a full portion by yourselves.

At Thai Stalls/Local Restaurants:
3. A bowl of Tom Yum Prawn or Chicken cooked with just tomatoes and fresh herbs. Request for the cook to omit sugar, MSG and any other vegetables in preparing the broth. Thai food normally has a sweet, sour and salty combination hence will have sugar and MSG.

At Middle Eastern and Indian Restaurants:
4. Chicken breast or Prawn cooked as Kebabs or Tandoori style or Grilled. These normally have some spices which are allowed but do have yogurt as well which is not POP. Request them to serve your protein with either salad or tomatoes or cucumber, do not mix the veges. If they can't accommodate, just pick the vege type that you want to eat.

At Local Food/Ikan Bakar Stalls/Restaurants:
5. Grilled Snapper, Tilapia or other white fish marinated in just tumeric and/or salts. To be eaten with POP vegetable choices such as fresh salad or cucumber or tomato or if you have no other choices, stir fried cabbage or spinach. These stir fried vegetables are preferably to be avoided as these would have been cooked with oil and MSG.

6. If you can't find any Grilled Fish at a local stalls or Restaurants then you may want to consider taking white fish or beef or prawn or chicken cooked in broth such as soup or Asam Pedas/Spicy Sour Soup, curry, rendang, coconut milk, sambal etc and omitting the broth/gravy. You can wipe off the broth/gravy with a clean tissue.

At Japanese Restaurants:
7. Grilled Cod or Beef or Chicken or Prawn with Asparagus or Spinach. Request to have it prepared plain with just salt and pepper, omit the gravy such teriyaki etc. You may want to also consider having Cod Fish cooked in broth Sukiyaki style with chinese cabbage. Request them to omit any other not POP veges and items from the broth. Get just fresh salad if they don't have other protocol friendly veges to go with your protein.

At Western Restaurants and/or Sandwich Outlets such as Subway:
8. Grilled/Roasted Beef Steak or Chicken or Prawn; Without the accompanying potatoes and other not POP veges. Just request for fresh salad or grilled tomato or sauteed spinach as replacement for the side dishes you omitted.

At Speciality Chicken Grilled/Barbecue/Roasted etc. Restaurants & Outlets eg. Ayamas, Kenny Rogers, Nandos.
9. Roasted Chicken breast with fresh salad or tomato or cucumber. Request for them not to mix the accompanying salad with other veges. If they can't accommodate your request, you may want to just pick the vege type that you want to eat that is listed as protocol friendly.

ALRIGHT...I hope that should in some way help you in making intelligent food choices when eating out to ensure that you are as POP as you can possibly be. Of course, it will still be considered as a cheat given that the preparation would not be as POP as when you prepare the meals yourselves. But we all have limitations at certain times so, just do the best you can in staying POP. My best wishes to you!


  1. It's pretty comprehensive Jai. Sometimes if i go to Subway i will eat the roast beef or steak n cheese salad without cheese of course...

  2. Thanks for your input MG. Have included Subway as an option.. :)
