Tuesday 4 October 2011

Health Benefits Of Neem

Source: www.myhealthyfoods.com

The Neem Tree (Azadirachta indica) or locally known as Pokok Semambu is known the world over as the “tree of life.” Its medicinal and healing properties have long been revered while mention of its name and properties dates back thousands of years in ancient texts from the Indian Subcontinent. The medicinal and healing properties of the Neem Tree have garnered much recent scientific clinical investigation. So far, the clinical results seem to be promising. From the leaves, seeds, flowers to the bark, all parts of the Neem Tree are used to treat a multitude of diseases and disorders. In fact, entire villages in rural India depend on the Neem Tree to maintain the health of the village inhabitants. Various components of the Neem Tree have been scientifically shown to possess antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Neem oil and neem powder are commonly used to treat a variety of skin conditions. Due to its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, neem is widely used to treat and manage skin conditions. Neem is often applied to external wounds or cuts to promote healing and lower risk of infection. Neem oil is often used to treat acne, skin rashes and burns. Neem has long been used in the natural treatment of eczema. In fact, neem is said to actively reduce the itching and redness caused by eczema. Neem is used to treat mild, moderate and even severe cases of acne. Neem has been shown to reduce the frequency of acne breakouts, and reduce the redness and inflammation associated with acne. Neem is added to a variety of cosmetic soaps and lotions to help treat dry skin and prevent wrinkles.

Neem oil is applied to the scalp to prevent the premature greying of hair. Neem oil is believed to reduce hair loss. Neem is often massaged into the scalp to treat and prevent dandruff.

Neem has actively been used for centuries in the treatment of arthritis. According to Ayurvedic medicine, neem effectively treats arthritis and prevents the progression of the disease. Neem oil is applied to the skin to treat muscle aches and joint pain. Lower back pain sufferers may find relief in massaging the affected area with neem oil. Neem is often used to treat the swelling, pain and inflammation caused by arthritis. Clinic results suggest that these anti-inflammatory properties are due to the presence of compounds such as nimbidin, limonoids and catechin, which are found primarily in neem seeds.

Neem is commonly used to treat indigestion, acidity and heartburn, stomach pains and
constipation. Neem tea is often prepared to relieve any stomach related concerns. Neem is believed to be a powerful natural cleanser and is said to effectively remove toxins from the blood.

According to the teachings of Ayurveda, the bark of the Neem Tree are said to boost immunity and help build resistance to disease. Neem has long been used to manage and treat diabetes in Ayurvedic medicine. Neem is believed to help controls blood glucose levels and increase insulin sensitivity. Much clinical evidence is currently being collected to identify the mechanisms involved in neem’s ability to help treat diabetes.

Ayurvedic medicine has long prescribed various neem-centered remedies to help treat and
prevent cancers. Current clinical research is being conducted on neem’s ability to reduce tumour size.

The twigs from the neem tree are commonly used as natural toothbrushes to clean the mouth and to promote oral health. Mouth washes and neem based toothpastes are used to actively treat tooth decay, treat inflamed gums and help prevent cavities. According to Ayurvedic teachings, neem actively stimulates and strengthens gum tissue and helps prevent gum disease and

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