Tuesday, 28 June 2011


What is the HCG Diet?

Dr. A.T.W. Simeons, a specialist on obesity and weight regulation, introduced a program that has helped many people overcome weight loss resistance. The program utilizes a natural hormone that is produced during pregnancy called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). Dr. Simeons’ theory is that HCG causes the hypothalamus area of the brain to trigger a release of abnormal fat stores. When administered in relatively small doses and coupled with a very low calorie diet, people routinely lose about 1 to 2 pounds per day on average over the length of their diet.

HCG has helped thousands of people lose those stubborn pounds. In addition to weight loss, many patients who have completed the HCG program also experienced many other health benefits, including a drop in cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar.

What is the Hypothalamus?

The hypothalamus is a part of the diencephalon area of our brain. This is the vital part of the brain which controls all of the autonomic functions of the body, including breathing, heart beat, digestion, sleep, and the complex functions of the endocrine system. One of the many functions of the endocrine system is regulation and control of your metabolism and weight.

Does HCG work for everyone?

Although HCG is naturally produced only in pregnant women, as a diet aid it works the same for men and women. Most people on this program report losing between 0.5 to 2 pounds per day, and claim it is the only program where they have been able to keep the weight off afterward. However, as with any drug or medication, there is individual variation in its efficacy. So although HCG is effective for the great majority of people who try it, there is logically no promise that it will work for everyone, every time.

What is the difference between homeopathic HCG drops and HCG injections?

Homeopathy is the second most widely used system of medicine in the world. It has been the primary medical system of choice for a great number of people in other countries for many years. Homeopathy has been used for many years to very effectively bring about healing and better health without the negative consequences and side effects that allopathic methods often have. Its popularity in the United States has grown dramatically over the last decade because homeopathy is effective, all natural and safe. There are no dangerous side effects with homeopathic remedies, and they can be taken along with other medications without worrying about adverse reactions.

Homeopathic formulations function on the theory of "like heals like" and that a very small amount of the active ingredient brings about change. Homeopathic HCG is produced by taking pure full strength HCG and making it into a sublingual mixture through a process of dilution and succussion. True homeopathic products, when tested in a typical lab, will come back negative for the active ingredient because the ingredient actually exists as a unique energy signature or imprint in the carrier liquid that cannot be measured chemically. This is also the reason homeopathic HCG drops will not show positive on a pregnancy test. It is important to realize that physical elements interact and affect each other in more ways than just chemically. Homeopathic products have continually baffled the American Medical Association when they fail in their chemical lab tests, yet are very successful when put to work in the human body. This has certainly been the case with homeopathic HCG used in the HCG diet program.

Another difference is the method of administration. Sublingual HCG drops are used by placing them under the tongue, an area rich in capillaries, where it is absorbed into the bloodstream. HCG injections, on the other hand, must be prescribed by a doctor and are administered by a shot into your muscle tissue. The cost of injections obviously is much higher due to the involvement of the doctor and clinic.

How does HCG help me lose weight?

HCG acts on the hypothalamus, signaling the body to release stored fat into the bloodstream where it is then available to be used by the cells for nourishment. This alone will not cause weight loss, though, unless you reduce your food intake. This forces the body to use the mobilized fat from the bloodstream. HCG causes the release of abnormal fat without affecting structural fat and muscle tissue. Which means you lose in those stubborn areas; hips, thighs, buttocks and upper arms!

Do I have to follow a special diet while I take the HCG drops?

Yes. You must follow the entire HCG Diet Protocol as described in Dr. Simeons' manuscript, "Pounds and Inches: A New Approach to Obesity", where he outlines a special 500-calorie-per-day diet that was tested on thousands of patients. HCG is only effective for weight loss if it is taken while strictly following Dr. Simeons' HCG Diet Protocol, including the 500 calorie diet. Taking HCG alone (without the diet) will not cause you to lose weight. HCG takes
effect when you reduce your food intake so that the mobilized fat will be used for your body's energy needs. If you fail to follow the diet you will fail to lose weight. If you only follow the diet without taking HCG, you are simply starving yourself because there is no fat in the bloodstream to burn. Simply put, both are required.

What foods am I allowed to eat?

The HCG diet is balanced, unlike many extreme "fad" diets. It consists of a healthy variety of protein, vegetables, and fruit, with a small amount of starch. You eat them in specific portions and combinations as outlined by Dr. Simeons. Allowed proteins are veal (low grade), beef (95% lean whole cuts), chicken breast (boneless, skinless), crab, crayfish, lobster, shrimp, and any fresh, white-fleshed fish. Allowed vegetables are asparagus, beet greens, cabbage, celery, chard, chicory greens, cucumber, fennel, green salad, onion, red radishes, spinach, and tomato. Allowed fruits are apples, strawberries, oranges, and grapefruit. Limited starches include grissini (breadstick) or Melba toast. Vegetarian protein substitutions are a protein shake, soy patty, egg (1 whole + 3 egg whites), cottage cheese or fat-free milk.

What are the different phases of the HCG Diet and how long does each one last?

The HCG Diet consists of five phases of various lengths. Each one is very important and must be included in the diet program in order to experience weight loss.

1. Loading Phase (2 days). These are referred to as the "binge" or "gorge" days. You start taking HCG drops on Day 1. For these first 2 days you must eat the most fattening foods you can until you are completely full. Concentrate on foods high in fats and oils, rather than sugar.

2. Core Phase (13-43 days). On the morning of the third day, you begin the 500-calorie-per-day diet. You also continue taking the HCG drops at the specified dosage. The length of this phase depends on how much weight you want to lose.

3. Transition Phase (3 days). Stop taking the HCG drops at the end of the Core Phase. Continue on the 500-calorie-per-day diet for the 3 days in this phase while your body transitions and eliminates the high level of HCG in your body.

4. Maintenance Phase (21 days). Slowly increase your food intake and begin eating any foods that you want, except sugars, starches, or artificial sweeteners. Your metabolism is still trying to stabilize during this phase. Therefore, watch your weight closely, and slowly increase your calorie intake at a rate that allows you to maintain your new lower weight.

The length of our HCG Diet Programs are defined by the first three phases only. For example, the 33-Day Program is made up of 2 days of Loading Phase, 28 days of Core Phase, and 3 days of Transition Phase. However, this does not mean that the 21 days of Maintenance Phase is not required for the program. All four phases are crucial for successful and permanent weight loss.

Why can't I just go on a 500 calorie diet without the HCG?

In order to answer this question you need to understand how the body stores and uses fat. Dr. Simeons identified three separate fat stores:

1.Normal fat: This type of fat can be likened to a checking account from which the body can easily draw energy or deposit it as needed. Normal fat doesn't take a lot of effort to lose.

2.Structural fat: Pads the various organs, protects the arteries and cushions the bony prominences. You don't ever want to lose this fat. It is vital to your health and well being. Yet, on the typical "starvation" diet, this is the fat you lose when the normal fat is depleted.

3.Abnormal fat: This is much like a bank safe deposit box, where fat is stored and basically locked away. This fat is very difficult to lose via exercise and calorie restriction, but with the help of HCG the body readily pulls fat from these "last resort" fat stores.

If you go on a 500-calorie diet without HCG, the body uses the normal fat and then starts to use the structural fat and muscle. Losing your structural fat and muscle tissue can adversely affect your health and well-being. In addition, "starvation" diets without HCG can cause you to be excessively hungry, which is typically not true for those using HCG drops on Dr. Simeons' special 500-calorie schedule.

Will I be hungry on the HCG diet?

On HCG, the vast majority of customers indicate they were either not hungry, or they felt surprisingly little hunger and had plenty of energy. That aligns perfectly with Dr. Simians theories about the fat-releasing properties of HCG. In essence, HCG is helping you get the majority of energy and calories from stored fat instead of only food in your stomach. However, everyone is different. Some report mild hunger in the first week as their body adjusts. In addition, the HCG diet starts with a "gorging" phase, which helps load the body with calories to use during transition into the low-calorie phase. People who faithfully follow the protocol as outlined by Dr. Simeons will see fantastic results.

Why do your drops have Vitamin B12, Mag-Phos Cell Salts, and Nat-Phos Cell Salts mixed in with the HCG?

These bonus ingredients help boost energy levels, counteract muscle cramping, reduce constipation, and further assimilate fat while on the HCG Diet. Other suppliers of HCG drops suggest that you purchase these ingredients separately and take them during the diet.

Do I have to exercise while on the HCG diet?

No. Exercise is not a mandatory part of the program, and in fact, vigorous exercise is not recommended. On a 500 calorie diet you can easily become too exhausted. That leads to discouragement and frustration.

Our suggestion for those who want to exercise is that you walk for 20 to 30 minutes daily. Walking is great exercise and contributes to your health in a variety of ways. It helps relieve stress, keeps the bowels moving, conditions your cardiovascular system, and encourages better blood/oxygen circulation. When you are finished with the HCG diet program and are back on a regular diet, you can then pick up the intensity of your exercise routines.

Does your homeopathic HCG contains alcohol?

NO our HCG is based on Colloidial Mineral Water.

Is your homeopathic HCG made in the U.S.A.?

Yes. It is manufactured in an FDA registered lab in the United States.

How do I order your HCG Diet-33?

You can place your order by emailing to diet.thirty3@gmail.com for further information.
Additional references ie. Diet-33 Guide and Diet-33 Recipes will be sent to you upon confirmation of your order. Free consultations to attend to any queries while you were on this program will be provided. We strive to ensure your great success in your weight loss journey. It is not easy but you have nothing to lose but the weight!

Weight Lost Progress Stats While on Diet-33

Lazy me has decided that I should post mine and hubby's daily progress while we were on this diet, so here are the stats on kg lost:-


18/4/11 start weight. 74.1/ 95.2
19/4/11 loading.
20/4/11 loading. 75.3/ 97.2
21/4/11 1 VLCD. 74.3/ 96.3
22/4/11 2 VLCD. 72.4/ 94.6
23/4/11 3 VLCD. 71.5/ 93.1
24/4/11 4 VLCD. 71.3/ 92.7
25/4/11 5 VLCD. 70.9/ 92.4
26/4/11 6 VLCD. 70.3/ 91.8
27/4/11 7 VLCD. 70.0/ 91.3
28/4/11 8 VLCD. 69.8/ 90.8
29/4/11 9 VLCD. 69.2/ 90.6
30/4/11 10 VLCD. 68.8/ 90.2
31/4/11 11 VLCD. 69.0 pomelo cheat./ 90.0 pomelo cheat
1/5/11 12 VLCD. 68.7/ 90.0
2/5/11 13 VLCD. 68.5/ 89.4
3/5/11 14 VLCD. 68.3/ 89.3
4/5/11 15 VLCD. 68.1/ 88.6
5/5/11 16 VLCD. 67.7/ 88.1
6/5/11 17 VLCD. 67.4/ 88.5 laksa Penang cheat
7/5/11 18 VLCD. 67.3/ 88.2
8/5/11 19 VLCD. 67.7 Big P - no HCG/ 88.6 pasembor cheat
9/5/11 20 VLCD. 67.7/ 87.8
10/5/11 21 VLCD. 67.7/ 87.7
11/5/11 22 VLCD. 67.3/ 87.4
12/5/11 23 VLCD. 66.9 back on HCG/ 87.2
13/5/11 24 VLCD. 66.2/ 86.8
14/5/11 25 VLCD. 66.1/ 86.6
15/5/11 26 VLCD. 65.8/ 86.4
16/5/11 27 VLCD. 66.1 eat out cheat/ 85.9
17/5/11 28 VLCD. 66.1/ 85.7
18/5/11 29 VLCD. 65.6/ 85.3
19/5/11 30 VLCD. 65.3/ 85.3
20/5/11 31 VLCD. 65.3/ 85.0
21/5/11 32 VLCD. 64.6/ 85.0
22/5/11 33 VLCD. 65.1 vege swap cheat/ 85.0
23/5/11 34 VLCD. 64.8/ 85.8 Sweet Pau cheat
24/5/11 35 VLCD. 64.6/ 85.0
25/5/11 34 VLCD. 64.2/ 84.6 Stop HCG Transition
26/5/11 35 VLCD. 63.6/ 85.0 Transition
27/5/11 36 VLCD. 63.6/ 85.0 Transition
28/5/11 37 VLCD. 63.6/ 84.5 Maintainance
29/5/11 38 VLCD. 63.3/ 85.0 Maintainance
30/5/11 39 VLCD. 63.2
31/5/11 40 VLCD. 63.0
1/6/11 41 VLCD. 63.0
2/6/11 Transition. 62.9
3/6/11 Transition. 63.1
4/6/11 Transition. 63.0

Phases completed !!!!!! Maintenance time..

Friday, 24 June 2011

Maintenance Phase

I have been so lazy to update my post especially after I completed the last 3 phases of this diet ie the loading (best part), the core phase on VLCD, the transition also on VLCD and at last today is officially the last day of the last phase of the program, the maintainence phase...yeay! I have managed to stabilize my weight at 63.5 to 63.8 kg so far which is acceptable considering that my last weight after the transition was at 63 kg. As long as I didn't put on more than 1 kg, it should be alright. I didn't have to do any apple or steak day on this program; meant to break any weight gain or plateau in case it happens. Happy to report that two friends that started on this program also lost some weight, one lost 9 kg in 29 days VLCD and another lost 5 kg in 20 VLCD days despite cheating occasionally. I wish more people are doing this program so they will get healthier and happy. It was so depressing for me when I was trying to lose my weight without much success for many years. HCG Diet-33 has become my product and hopefully I can do my part in helping people get back their old selves hidden by the accumulated fats due to unhealthy eating habits or health limitations that led them to put on the pounds..let's grab this second chance in life to lose the weight and live healthier lives going forward.. We all want to age gracefully as we cannot be young forever. Losing the weight will definitely lessen our risks of getting serious age related health issues ie joint pains, high sugar, high cholesterol, high BP and heart problems. My basic reasons for desperately looking for solution to lose the weight apart from the obviously vain reason of wanting to look good at my age, at any age..

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Diet-33: the answer to my prayer

Today is the last day of my HCG dose at 43 HCG days ie 41 VLCD for this session. Happy to report that I have achieved a weight of 63 kg slightly off my initial target but still impressive in my opinion after so many failed diets and slimming programs. Have also strengthen my resolve to eat healthily and avoid the excessive food craze that led me to be what I was at almost 75 kg. It was really frustrating and hard to keep my weight down and stable at my age. Not with my sleepy metabolism and tendency to store fats around my belly, the hardest part to lose even when you exercise hard and diet like crazy. I can't even exercise that hard anymore at this age as I don't want to hurt my already fragile knees due to too vigorous sporting activities during my school days..wear and tear the Doctor called it...sad right? Now that I have found HCG, I have the urge to quickly come up to all overweight people I met and say hey! I got a diet solution for you that's almost foolproof, pls try it to believe it. Give it a shot as you will definitely improve your confidence and health in the long run. Really feel the need to reach out to people as I was there, trying so many ways to lose the weight and feeling frustrated and almost giving up.. Until the last chance I thought I had, was to pray to Allah when I went for my Umra trip in March 2011 and I prayed hard every time I was near Kaabah; please Allah give me my health so I can feel happy about myself, so I can be healthy to always pray and submit to you, so I can do more for Islam, please let my unwanted fats melt away and give me back my health and efficient metabolism... Ha ha ha...It might sound funny now but I was desperate and I always knew that Allah will answer my prayer. And so fast as well, as a friend told me about this diet program just 2 days after I got back from my Umra trip. And just two months after that I actually lost more than 10 kg which seemed impossible then.. I thank Allah and I am forever grateful to my friends who triggered my fascination with HCG, researched about it and had great success story to tell in a short time. You can do it if you keep your mind to it. You have nothing to lose except the weight. Go FAT Go!