Saturday 9 July 2011

Core Phase Recipe - Soto / Spiced Soup


1. Your choice of protein; chicken OR beef ( for beef boiled with 1 inch bruised ginger until tender )
2. Your choice of vegetables; cabbage OR celery - sliced
3. Kaffir Lime Leaves - 1 bruised/shred
4. Lengkuas/galangal 1 inch - sliced
5. Serai/lemon grass - 1 stalk bruised
6. Fresh garlic - 2 finely chopped
7. Koorma spices - 1 1/2 tablespoon; if you can't find any use 1 tablespoon coriander powder and 1/2 tablespoon cumin powder
8. Chinese parsley leaves - roughly chopped
9. Salt to taste
10. Fresh lemon - 1/2 fruit extract the juice - optional

1. Boiled item 3 - 7 in 3 cups of water for 10 minutes, then add protein choice, vege and salt.
2. Bring to boil again, add lemon juice.
3. Balance the taste and add chopped parsley leaves and SERVE...
If you like a spicier taste, add bruised birds eye chilis.