Friday 29 July 2011

Jai R2 VLCD 6

Jazz is outstation for a group car ride with his friends, Temerloh, Kemaman, etc and back. Didn't bring the scale and not too sure if he'll keep to the protocol, so let's hope that the damage when he comes back wouldn't be that serious..

I am super happy, fantastic fat release of 900 gm to 61.5 kg this morning... Weird as I'm suppose to have water retention due to period or perhaps the slow progress of previous days was bcoz of water retention and now I should see better progress. My lunch yesterday was with hcgier friends at San Francisco KLCC, shared grilled chicken with tomatoes with Lin and that was good despite the small portion. Everyone was hoping for good releases by Raya so they can fit into smaller Raya clothes and have great Raya feasts.. Pyl looked so much smaller and her jeans is hanging on her...hehe...great progress. Suggested to OG to take apple cider vinegar (ACV) with green tea and something to help with toilet trips to speed up fat metabolism and get good releases. At lunch, received SMS from a friend on Diet-33 to update that she lost 5.5 kg in 2 weeks...good job.. Another friend actually lost 5.5 kg in just one week, some people are just lucky and even with some cheat they still lose..

Dinner was boring left over salty cod and asparagus, just half a portion I forced myself to eat as I wasn't hungry. But I turned in late since my son was watching karate kid loudly in my room, and my tummy started growling at 11 pm. So I made a mixture of green tea and Cleanz tea, with 2 tablespoon of ACV and forced my self to sleep...

At my weight now, I am officially thinner than I was at 62 kg on my wedding day, more than 10 years ago.. A little bit more to lose to get my target of 60 kg so I can have a 2 kg buffer for Raya feasts... On track..


  1. Good on u Jai!!! That was my first target, pre wedding weight of 94kg

  2. GOD!!! i hate u guys! i lost a miserable 200gms today, and even that i was thankful... ishk ishk!

  3. Yes, Pyl...the target keeps us going...
    @ Hope, no worry I would take 200 gm also, as long as there's no gain! Good luck on good releases..

  4. Waaa.....congrats Jai!!! Good for you!!
