Sunday 24 July 2011

Jazz R2 VLCD 11 & Jai R2 Loading

Went back to my hometown on Friday and weighed myself that morning before we left and I was 63.7 kg. Hubby weighed at 83.9 kg a loss of 300 gm on VLCD 11. I started loading the same day and feasted on coconut rice set, fried banana chips, a piece of Kentucky Fried Chicken, ice cream, biryani rice and chicken sambal, mixed vege and beef biryani dish. I didn't enjoy my loading this time. Felt like I want to puke with all the food I ate and just felt that I had to do it so I can have proper loading to sail through the on start of VLCD for this round. Next day I and Jazz couldn't track our weight loss/gain progress as we forgot to bring along our digital weighing scale.. But I did feel heavier especially on my mid section.

Had another round of forced loading for Day 2 and felt terrible. I really couldn't fill up my tummy as I used to before HCG experience with Diet-33. Before, my tummy's satisfaction indicator has forgotten to switch off even when I am completely full, but now I really can't eat that much anymore. I felt physically sick of the loading experience.

Sunday noon we arrived in KL, and I am officially on my R2 VLCD 1. This time I didn't feel any hunger and am happier eating less on VLCD. I even left out 1 fruit and the 2 Grissini sticks snacks allowed. Didn't experience the headache I had in the first few days of VLCD in R1 but I felt sweaty and tired. We had cod soup with cabbage for lunch at Yuzu Japanese, KLCC and grilled chicken with green salad for dinner at Las Carretas, Ampang. Let's see what's the damage of eating out tomorrow when we weigh ourselves. Jazz has decided to carry on until he gets his BMI to below 25.

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