Friday 1 July 2011


Thot I should post my menu for the two loading days I did when on HCG so readers have some idea on how much and what I ate on my load days. Focus should be on fattening &/ oily food and loading is extremely important to ensure that our body sailed through the initial VLCD days successfully. Don't be perplexed why you should be eating so much of fats when you are starting a diet. That is how Dr Simeons protocol works and as you can see in my daily weight loss progress the load weight just melted away very quickly.

So here's my Load Experience...

DAY 1:
Morning Breakfast: Nasi lemak/Coconut Cream Rice with eggs, fried anchovies and prawn sambal.
Lunch: Kentucky Fried Chicken with skins, egg tarts, cheezy wedges, mash potatoes, coleslaw.
Early evening snacks: Durian cheese cake, another 2 rounds of Nasi lemak and it's set of eggs and sambal.
Late Supper: Oily and juicy special hotdog with extra eggs and mayonnaise drench in extra chili sauce.

DAY 2:
Morning Breakfast: 2 half boiled eggs, roti canai, fried banana.
Lunch: Buttered Prawns, Fried Beef, Buttered Rice, Stir fried Vegetables with soft tofu, cendol ie sweet treat with coconut cream and ice cream.
Early evening: Lasagna with extra cheese.
Late Dinner: Biryani Lamb Rice with vegetable curry, bread, mixed kebabs and raita.

Wow what a blessed two days stuffing my self but feel so weird eating so much in those two loading days.

Not a bad idea to also include mashed/cheesy potatoes for potato lovers, ice cream, chocolates, avocadoes on your loading phase, basically food that you think you will miss during this Diet.

Will post my typical daily menu while on VLCD soon..

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