Monday 11 July 2011

Jazz R2 VLCD 1

Hubby woke up excited to check his progress and wow...he managed to release 1.7 kg of weight from his load weight of 89.5 kg to 87.8 kg this morning. He felt great, energized with no hunger pangs yesterday. I think it's also because this round he is mentally ready and understand how the protocol works as compared to when he blindly followed my weight loss experiment with Simeons in Round 1.

Way to go Jazz!! Glad that he is taking this round in such great enthusiasm and sticking to protocol on his own effort than have me as the bad monitor (as it was in R1). Happy for him that his blood pressure is also now normal from borderline level before he lost the weight previously.

1 comment:

  1. Good to know Jai, health wise. My hubby now at 85kg baju semua dah longgar.
