Tuesday 12 July 2011

Musing on Diet-33 Expectations and Results

Overall progress for friends on Diet-33 have been positive. Four of them lost 5-8 kg doing the 18 day program and have stopped as they have achieved their ideal weight. Now on maintenance...21 days of no starch and sugar for the body to adjust to the new weight and become stable. Another friend lost 11 kg in 40 days and also on maintenance before starting another round after Syawal Eid celebrations. Another lost 6 kg in 20 days, this despite cheating quite a bit and has now resolved that she is more ready to do a second round and will do Round 2 as soon as she can. She now understand that what's stopping this diet from working its best is herself.

For friends still half way through the VLCD journey, I hope they will find strong resolve to go through it without cheating as it's effectiveness depends on strict compliance to Simeons protocol. This is not an easy diet as in any diet...otherwise it wouldn't be called a DIE-T (is it dying to eat? I wonder).

Anyway, personally I know that this diet is not like any other diet options I have tried. I had spent thousands on diet pills, supplements, slimming program and personal trainers and none has the result as what this protocol has given me. I now have a second chance in life, be in control of my weight, eat according to where I want my weight to be. Because now I have succeeded in getting to near where I want my weight to be. It's all about making smarter food choices as when we were young, we can eat whatever we like and our metabolism would help us through but now with metabolism slowing down or in my case it had practically dozed off...I once again feel in control of my life having achieved my new weight.

This diet is not just about losing the weight, it's about detoxifying our bodies from all the junks that we have put them through over the years. It works by reconditioning our bodies and changing our mindset to be able to make better food and lifestyle choices going forward so we can have better health and better bodies. Going through the diet, at one point you will realize that you get satisfied by simple and less food, proving a point that all these years you have really abused your body with so much excesses...no wonder the pounds just keep piling on...

But as I said earlier, it's not an easy journey...you'll need lots of support. It boils down to whether you want your body and life back BAD enough..to just push it through. For me what helped me in my journey was my determination to lose the weight as I didn't want to get old with so many health problems and I knew I was getting there what with my track records of adding a kilo a year... What would happen when I get to 60 years old... And I tried my best to avoid temptations to cheat by reminding myself that I had enough of excessive eating already all these years and knowing that this protocol is for a limited time after which I can eat whatever I want hopefully more sensibly; I must first FOCUS on burning the excess fats and reaching my goal weight. This program's foolproof effectiveness in my opinion, provide me with the tool to finally achieve my dream weight that seemed so hopeless just four months ago. Not that I want to be slim to be like a model but to just be what I was at 10 years ago, healthier and 10 kg lighter..

My experience on this journey has proven that it really has changed how my body resets itself. Now my weight has reset itself to the new base and whenever I overindulged on any day, my weight will readjust itself down the next morning, back to the new base, unlike previously when all it knows is to go UP. This diet is about losing pounds and inches, about calories and chemical reactions of our consumption with our bodies, about rebalancing our metabolism....the reason why it's so sensitive to cheating. For successful weight loss and stability of the new weight, we have to follow it through in all the phases the best we can.. As my husband has learnt, the 21 days maintenance phase is key to keeping the weight stable as our bodies reconditioned itself to the new base weight.

What's so great about my new body is that I now no longer have an apple shape...managed to trim my mid section and lose most of the fats behind my back area surrounding the bra straps and butts, yet still keep my cheeks intact so I don't look like a shrivel old lady...hehehe. I feel that my body is more sculptured now as this diet takes just the excess fats off and not your normal or structural fats. That's why when you are nearer your ideal weight, your weight loss will slow and you will feel tired and easily hungry.

Another great side effect is improvement in skin complexion as the hormone plump it up and makes your face looks glowing.. Ok friends...enough of my ramblings....until next time..


  1. Sebab tak pakai lotion2 dah eh Pyl.. U can use baby oil or Vaseline sebab tu mineral and not Fat as in other lotion.. The face shud b ok, other parts if too dry use the baby oil. :)
