Monday 25 July 2011

Jazz R2 VLCD 15 & Jai R2 VLCD 2

Jazz lost 400 gm to 82.9 kg this morning, finally below his last R1 weight of 83 kg. I am down 800 gm to 63.8 kg, still 800 gm away from my last round weight. Must be the too good loading I had..

We ate out for lunch yesterday at San Francisco Steak House, KLCC. We shared a 9 oz steak and told the waiter to swap the broccoli and mash potatos with green salad and also ordered extra portion of green salad. Next time we must insist on no dressing at all. I told the waiter no dressing but the salad still came with some sort of oily dressing, olive oil and lemon I think....nice but not protocol friendly.. Decided to just eat them and see what's the damage..

Dinner was home cooked protocol compliant Prawn Tomyam Soup with tomatoes. I ate just before 7 pm but Jazz had his at 11.45 pm. And he fusses about not losing much.. ?? This round I did'nt feel any hunger and skipped my Grissini sticks and a fruit again. No headache too, very smooth this R2..


  1. Yeah, I noticed you really need to eat early to get maximum loss. However, it's so not an option for me since by the time I get home, I will cook for the kids first, as they need to go to tuition and what not. Then cook mine. send them to class, then have my dinner at about 8:30 ish. I figured, bolehhhhh laaaa....

  2. Tu la kan Pyl....the things mom do for their kids. Hope they appreciate it laa... Nak diet pun kena pikir for them dulu... :)
