Tuesday 26 July 2011

Jazz R2 VLCD 16 & Jai R2 VLCD 3

Woke up to find that I lost 500 gram this morning now at 63.3 kg from 63.8 kg yesterday. This despite eating out for lunch with a friend at WIP Bangsar Shopping Complex ( BSC ). I thot that the closest to protocol offered in the menu was a prawn tandoori and the waiter informed that the prawns are of medium size, so ok I decided to order that. But asked him to swap the side dish to green salad without dressing. The prawn tandoori is actually a set with Biryani rice, raita and mixed vege. I requested for the rice to be packed for my kids. No! no rice for me...

When the food came the prawns were definitely not medium, 3 XXL sized prawns are more accurate. Big heads full of cholesterol laden gooeyness. Well I wallop the spicy prawn flesh and all the heads minus the shell of coz while thinking that the grams must be way above 100....but I ate them all anyway. The tandoori prawn is not exactly protocol compliant as it has to have yogurt in its marination. I just wanted to test the damage on this slight cheat.

Dinner was just a bowl of home cooked cabbage soup with prawn stocks, minus any prawn. Decided to miss the protein portion for dinner to make up for the overdose during lunch. I can't have the same protein for dinner anyway.. So, not bad to still lose 500 gram eating out plus I didn't drink enough water and I had a late night turning in only at 1 am.

Hubby isn't so lucky, he is stalling today with no weight loss. I didn't pack his lunch yesterday so he ate whatever he can get at the food court and had dinner outside ( wasn't specific about what he had - did he cheat big time....I wonder? ) and he didn't eat the
cabbage soup with prawn I gave him at 11.45pm when he came home, worried that he would be over
his calories for the day. Well conclusion is if you wanna cheat, you should cheat smartly... :). At your own risk of coz.

Hopefully his progress will be better tomorrow. As is, he already extended his initial 13 day core phase program duration to try and reach his target of 80 kg still some 3 kilos away. He probably needs another week of VLCD if he can survive it.. I suppose it depends on how badly he wants to lose the tummy.

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