Wednesday 27 July 2011

Jazz R2 VLCD 17 & Jai R2 VLCD 4

Weight loss report this morning:
Jazz @ 82.7 kg, a loss of 200 gm.
Jai @ 62.6 kg, a loss of 700 gm....yeay!

Yesterday, Jazz had lunch at Dome...he had fish and chips set but just took a little portion of the fried and oily dory leaving the rest to his sister and sister in law to finish up. Dinner was prawn soup with cabbage. He passed his favorite kueh I put just in front of him for family's tea time with his dad and siblings. Very good self control considering just early this year his maximum weight was at 99.7 kg and his weaknesses have always been those same sweet kueh plus Penang Nasi Kandar....Good mental training HCG..

I attended a pre-Ramadhan lecture cum lunch gathering at the office and skipped the biryani rice set and kueh.. Just ate a medium sized spicy fried chicken for my lunch from the set given out, no vege and took an orange to fill me up. For dinner I had grilled cod and asparagus. Didn't even finish my portion as I wasn't that hungry and I overly salted my cod, salty. So I thot for a 700 gm loss I got this morning, the fried chicken I had for lunch yesterday, wasn't much of an impact but of coz I also lowered my calories by skipping veg, Grissini sticks and reduced my portion for dinner.

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