Saturday 9 July 2011

Core Phase Recipe - Tomyam Soup


1. Your choice of protein - prawn OR fish OR scallop OR crab OR chicken
2. Chopped/blended tomato OR
2. Thinly sliced celery
3. Kaffir Lime Leaves - 1 or 2 bruised/shred
4. Lengkuas/galangal 1 inch - sliced
5. Serai/lemon grass - 1 stalk bruised
6. Birds eye chilis - bruised/roughly chopped ( depends on how spicy you want it to be )
7. Fresh garlic - 2 finely chopped
8. Coriander leaves - roughly chopped
9. Salt to taste
10. Bragg's liquid amino as replacement for fish sauce - optional
11. Fresh lemon - 1 fruit extract the juice - optional ( Replacing lemon juice with a table spoonful of ACV is quite nice too )

1. Boiled item 3 - 7 in 2 cups of water for 5 minutes, then add protein choice, vege and salt.
2. Bring to boil again, add liquid amino and/or lemon juice.
3. Balance the taste and add chopped coriander leaves and SERVE...
If you like a sweeter taste, add a drop of stevia.


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