Monday 15 August 2011

Jazz R2 Maintenance 12 & Jai R2 Maintenance 5

Jazz weighed in at 83 kg on Monday still within range but on a high side, guessed the choc chips cookies and the mini cheese cake he had are making their presence felt... and I gained a 100 gm to 60.5 kg, must be the one piece of the sugary choc chips cookie I took. Ouch!

Iftar for us were simple dishes of beef asam pedas ( sour chili soup ) and mixed vege cooked in coconut milk and prawns. It was nice to have a sour and spicy dish. We also had some fruits as well and pistachios as snacks later in the night. Sahur was the same left over dishes from Iftar except I put in chicken in the asam pedas as we had no more beef in the soup..

Overall we have been adding calories by snacking on nuts to make sure that we up our calories to above 1200. Quite a challenge during fasting month as we have less time to eat... I am planning to bake some more cookies for Eid and that's a big challenge too as I will need to taste my cookies... Will definitely reduce the sugar in the recipe and substitute with natural sugar such as agave or honey where I can..


  1. Agave nectar Ada jual kat Jaya Jusco Pyl...

  2. Saying that, some say that agave is not really that great as a natural sugar since the way it's process is similar to high fructose corn syrup or maple syrup... Better to stick to Honey as per sunnah...and Stevia. :)
