Friday 12 August 2011

Jazz R2 Maintenance 8 & Jai R2 Maintenance 1

Jazz stalled at 82.5 kg, no big fact good, better than a gain right? As for me, I went up a whopping 700 gm on Phase 3 Day 60.9 kg. Wow! What a gain.. No point of being upset about it, it will only spoilt my mood and that I don't want. Life's too short to be upset and moody on petty things like this...yeah right! Anyway, it's still within the 1 kg range from my last weight of 60.2 kg. So be it.

I had a bowl of tapioca leaves cooked in coconut milk for Iftar, my favorite dish. Hubby had a bit of that too and we had variety of fruits which were nice for me for a change. But not so good fruits in terms of the sugar contents actually, watermelon, pineapple and grape. We had apple and orange as well but those were okay.. For protein, we both had prawns sambal again cooked with chilis and Stevia.

Sahur meal was a yummy bowl of asam laksa Penang, a dish of blended fish and spicy sour soup. My first time cooking this and it's a hit with my hubby and daughter. Copied the recipe from a famous local cooking blog " Che Mat Gebu ". We had that with just cucumber, salad, bird's eye chilies, pineapple and boiled eggs.. I already started increasing the quantity of my food intake especially the protein, so I can start moving towards adjusting my weight at higher calories ie 1500 cal. I don't want my body to interpret that I needed lower calories to live if I don't increase my calories during this phase as that would be eat like a bird all my life so I can keep my weight stable..hehe no way!


  1. At least u did not get stomach cramps like I did... It'll come off, I'm sure. It's your body going WTH?

  2. I'm up to 1200-1300kcal after 13 days M phase. Appetite better now! Will increase up to 1500. Selamat berbuka Jai!
