Wednesday 10 August 2011

Jazz R2 Maintenance 7 & Jai R2 Transition Day 3

Jazz is down another 200 gm to 82.5 kg and he's happy that his weight is stabilizing nearer to 82 kg region. I finally made some progress down 300 gm to 60.2 kg. That's more like it.... :) despite the adhoc cheat, I have been taking in lesser than 500 calories this past few days taking only one fruit portion for my morning sahur meals...I was hoping that the lesser calories may mitigate the damage...but I don't know, Dr Simeon specifically stated in his Pound and Inches that this program is not just about calories but also the chemical reaction between the food combination and your body... Anyway, too late to ponder about it as with the cheat I have to try and salvage what I can to lessen the taking double dose of Clenz tea to encourage toilet trips and extra ACV nightly..

Jazz had prawn sambal for Iftar with salad. I just took the prawn minus the sambal with salad. Jazz of coz had additional protein in the form of chicken nuggets and and fried tofu with bird's eye chili soya gravy. I ate 2 chicken nuggets with my eyes wide opened knowing that I'm mixing protein AGAIN! Not to mention that the nugget's crumbs are made of crisps a no no in the protocol... Well R2 has to finish now as for me it has unethically been full of cheat... Sahur morning meal is a non event, fruits again, an orange for me and variety of fruits for Jazz. He also finished off the left over prawn sambal with salad we had for Iftar.

Everything considered, I am happy that I am just 200 gm away from my ideal weight target of 60 kg... To maintain it within a kg range during Maintenance Phase, now that's another story.... All the best to me!!