Tuesday 2 August 2011

Jazz Transition 2 & Jai R2 VLCD 9

Jazz is at 82.1 kg this morning a loss of 400 gm and I am at 61.6 kg, 300 gm down from yesterday. Nothing interesting to update as we both stayed quite close to protocol for Iftar and early Sahur meals. For Iftar we had roast chicken percik from Ayamas minus the skin and sauces with cabbage soup and for Sahur meals we had baked prawns and fruits.

The fasting so far has been very smooth as the hunger during the day is nothing unbearable.. We just have to drink up more during the night at least 8 glasses of water to ensure enough hydration for fat burning. We miss the great variety of food at Pasar Ramadhan especially the sweet treats but know enough to just get on with the phases for maximum weight loss. We can eat all that we want once we are done with the program, of course more sensibly as that's the best part about this diet...it teaches you about control and eat to live NOT live to eat. Very good lesson for me who used to let food be my world..I loved food too much. Hopefully, going forward I will always be mindful that I am what I eat.

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