Wednesday 24 August 2011

Jazz R2 Maintenance 20 & Jai R2 Maintenance 13

Arghhhhhhh!!! We both suffered from weight gain today Jazz at 83 kg and I at 60.7 kg... It's due to sugar overload....Jazz with his weakness for sweet kuih for Iftar and me busy testing my Raya cookies, makmur and latest the newly baked pineapple tart.

To make matters worse for me, TOM (time of the month) made an appearance and I get bloated big time... Well, time to get back on track or we gonna yoyo our weight and waste our hard work all these phases... Right now we are considered lucky to still be within the 1 kg limit from our last dose weight (LDW).

Have to be POP (perfectly on protocol) tomorrow, a day at a time.. Gets tougher to be disciplined nearer to the end. Well that's life...nothing comes easy.

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