Monday 8 August 2011

Jazz R2 Maintenance 5 & Jai R2 Transition Day 1

Jazz gained 600 gm to 82.9 kg, not good.. He has been eating mostly high protein but I guess there's a lot of hidden sugars in our food especially when we eat out....the sauces etc are normally laden with sugar. That could be the culprit making him gained quite a bit although still below the 2 lb or 1 kg limit for him to be worried..but near enough to a kg to be concerned about what went wrong. He did cheat tho by having two slices of marble cake I made yesterday. Hmm...

My progress? Also not good...I gained 200 gm today to 60.5 kg even though I hardly ate anything for Sahur meal except an orange and lots of water. For Iftar I had beef soup with tomato but didn't weigh the meat so likely I had exceeded the 100 gm portion... Well never mind, I am ok with 200 gm gain as long as not over 500 gm. I still have two days of Transition and then Maintenance.. I am hopeful that I can lose more and be 60 kg or below by Raya due to eating less during the fasting month.. I should then have a 2 kg buffer for Eid food feast InsyaAllah. That's the strategy.. Haha.. The scale will be my best friend's not funny, it's a necessity..

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