Sunday 7 August 2011

Jazz R2 Maintenance 4 & Jai R2 VLCD 14

We both went out again for a buffet Iftar on Saturday, as I have yet to finish my meal voucher for a 35% discount at Lemon Garden Shangri La. Good spread of seafood and barbecue selections for the fasting month as always. As expected, Jazz had a jolly time stuffing himself with all sorts of protein there is... And I had an overdozed of multiple protein, against protocol obviously. Again I was being bad knowing that I am only 500 gm away from my ideal weight of 60 kg. Had just cucumber for my veg portion but had to a have a little piece of baklava... Huhuhu..... So before bed, I had double Clenz tea and extra ACV and extra prayer for weight loss..hehe.

Decided to just drink lots and lots for Sahur meal and didn't take any food to compensate for already high calories taken for Iftar. Jazz just had fruits of various kinds, orange, apple, watermelon and longan for his Sahur meal.

Weigh in today, Jazz at 82.3 kg a gain of 400 gm and I lost 200 gm to 60.3 kg. Phuh!! This R2 has really been kind to me as in my R1, a slightest cheat such as a switch in just a leafy veg can threw me off by a gain of 500 gm, no kidding...let alone multiple protein... I must count my blessings coz there really have been a lot this Round... Alhamdulillah.

I have decided to finish off this phase and is going through transition starting from this morning.


  1. Good thing about R2 is we get to experiment with the effect of food and cheat, in R1 the weight loss is crucial so didn't dare to deviate much. Also so bad my reaction to cheat in R1....
