Friday 5 August 2011

Jazz R2 Maintenance 2 and Jai R2 VLCD 12

Jazz stayed at 82.5 kg this morning. I guessed he has to be happy maintaining at between 82 to 83kg range. As long as he doesn't exceed a kilo from his last weight of 82.1 for Phase 3, he should be alright. Otherwise he has to break the gain by doing an apple or a steak day to get back within the 1 kg range from 82.1 kg. He had quite a lot of food for Iftar the previous day and he cheated on little bite pieces of Roti Boom, a cheat nonetheless. We ate out at Naan Corner, Ampang as it offers a good variety of dishes for Iftar at RM25 per pax. Very reasonable we thought as there's only so much you can eat for Iftar, so it's not worth it to spend so much on expensive buffet.

I had a massive conflict with myself between staying on protocol and succumbing to the various dishes on the buffet... Major mistake in going for Iftar Buffet... :(( I was definitely not strong and focus enough to resist. So, I exceeded my calories for the day....didn't have any starch, but sugar definitely as the dishes would surely be prepared with added sugar as the norm in our local cooking. I didn't gorge, ate reasonably small portion but mind bogling mixture of protein that you can think of ie. beef liver, beef lung, lamb, beef steak, fried tofu, fish soup and cucumber.. Urgh....just writing about it makes me feel so guilty. This is the worst cheat I have ever done, never been this bad in R1. I was pretty good in R1 despite the long 41 days of VLCD. The thing is, being so close to my ideal weight threw me off balance. Lesson learnt.. Avoid temptations, don't put yourself in a vulnerable situation unless you have a solid steel will power. To mitigate, I took 2 packets of Clenz Tea and extra ACV before bed.

After all that, strangely I lost 200 gm to 60.8 kg today. But I don't wanna be happy prematurely, as lesson learnt in R1....the weight can haunt you not the next day but few days after the cheat... Allah forbids that I should stall or gain when I only have a few more days to transition and maintenance.... 800 gm to my target...please let me lose weight tomorrow..


  1. Aminnnn! i did a correction day today jai, hope it works too :-D

  2. Amin!!!! To us both...hehe..

  3. I know I'm bad... but I am so happy that you too cheat... I don't feel so bad now...

  4. Hehehe Pyl...this Round byk main2... Lucky R2 cheat effect not that bad vs R1.... R1 was worst.. Don't feel bad, we r all cheaters...hehe. M so happy on your weight good...despite the occasional cheat. Alhamdulillah.
