Saturday 13 August 2011

Jazz R2 Maintenance 9 & Jai R2 Maintenance 2

Jazz weighed in at 82.7 kg yesterday up 200 gm and I dropped to 60.7 kg down 200 gm. We have been increasing our calories to 1,000+ cal as required to stabilize our body to the new weight. From our Round 1 experiences we knew that at the on start of P3, the weight can be a bit volatile as the body adjust to the new higher calorie intake before stabilizing in about a week.

What's challenging at this stage is, if we ate out as our local food tend to have lots of sugar in them and unhealthy because of that, not to mention the MSG content as well.. Yesterday, I had an Iftar invitation by a corporate client and had a large buffet temptation in front of was in abundance and I chose to skip the rice and just had most of the protein dishes and fruits. But I did allow myself to enjoy 3 fish crackers and 3 small prawn fritters, outside protocol of coz..

All in all, I think I didn't do too badly...I could have cheated a lot worse. Sahur meal for us were a bowl each of asam laksa Penang with veges and boiled eggs.

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