Thursday 7 July 2011

My Typical Diet-33 Day Meals - Core Phase


15 minutes before meal: Take HCG Diet-33

BREAKFAST MENU normally between 7.30 am - 10.00 am

1. Coffee and Stevia or Black
Apple (1)
2. Water
Orange (1)
3. Tea and Stevia or Black
Strawberries (8-10)


15 minutes before meal: take HCG Diet-33

LUNCH MENU between 12.30 pm – 2.00 pm

1. Cod/white fish grill with Asparagus
Snack: Grissini (optional)
2. Grill steak with sauteed spinach
Snack : Grissini (optional)
3. Chicken soup with cabbage
Snack : Grissini (optional)
4. Prawn/ scallop Tomyam with Tomato
Snack: Grissini(optional)


SNACKS (p.m) if still hungry

1. Orange (1)
2. Strawberry (8-10)
3. Apple(1)


15 minutes before meal: take HCG Diet-33

DINNER MENU normally between 5.30 pm – 7.00 pm

1. Chicken Tomyam with Tomato
Snacks : Grissini (optional)
2. Sole/Dory Grill with Tomato Pesto
Snacks : Grissini (optional)
3. Spinach Soup with Prawn/ scallop
Snacks : Grissini (optional)
4. Beef Soup with celery
Snacks : Grissini (optional)


If you are the type to want some snacks before bed, you can spare one of your fruits and Grissini sticks allocation for the day and take these for supper.

Maximum of 2 fruits a day – optional and can be taken as snacks or omitted.
Maximum of 2 grissini sticks a day – optional and can be taken as snacks or omitted.

Do not consume same type of food ie. same protein, vege and fruits in a day.

Do not combine different types of protein, vege, and fruits in one serving.

Do not consume 2 Grissini sticks at one serving.

Serving size and choices of protein, vege and fruits to refer to HCG diet guide and followed strictly for best weight loss results.

Herbs and spices i.e white/black peppers, cumin, thyme, coriander, ginger, sage, etc. are

Salt, fresh garlic and onion powder are allowed. However please note that fresh onion constitute a type of vegetables as such if you add fresh onion in your cooking, you cannot combine it with another type of vegetables. I suggest using onion powder instead if you need to use it as you will want to add other more filling veges in your cooking as your choices are already very limited.

MSG, cooking oil/butter and sugar are not allowed.

Soya alternative that can be used : Liquid amino by BRAGG - 0 cal, 0 carb.

Apple cider vinegar can be taken, about 2 tablespoon a day to aid in faster fat metabolism. I recommend using BRAGG's organic apple cider with mother as it has max health benefits and at 0 cal.

A juice of max 1 lemon allowed in a day. You can use this in your cooking for Tomyam etc.

A sugar alternative allowed is pure stevia. You can get this from Mydin under the brand of Stevia Sugar in powder or liquid forms. Or refer to links provided in this blog.

You can take herbal teas/ alternatives to aid in digestion so as to ease any problem with
constipation if any. I personally take Cleanz Tea on a daily basis right before bed but you can use what's best for you.

Green tea is also recommended as it has been shown to aid in increasing the body's metabolism rate.

That's it...hope the info helps....

Will try to post some basic local recipes to give some ideas on what's good and easy to cook and HCG friendly for this phase..


  1. This is so nice and clean. It looks fantastic. Thanks for posting. Hcg diet

  2. :) thanks for visiting, do try some simple local recipes for a healthier body.. Cheers.

  3. Just glad to share info for others to lose weight and get healthy.. Thanks JSmith for visiting..
