Thursday 18 August 2011

Jazz R2 Maintenance 15 & Jai R2 Maintenance 8

Jazz reported a 100 gm gain today, back up to 82.9 kg and I remained at 60.2 kg, fair enough considering that we both had 3 pieces of Makmur cookies last night fresh from the oven. Again the excuse is I wanted to test the sweetness of the cookies but I can always asked my maid or daughter to do the taste test.. Well, been bad on this maintenance for Round 2.. Praying that the weight will remain stable until completion of this Phase or we will have to do correction day ie. an apple or a steak day... So far still within acceptable range of about a kilo gain though for Jazz the limit is quite near..

I had a piece of fried chicken and vegetable soup for Iftar. Jazz again ate out at another buffet but sticking to veges and protein to remain on protocol. We snacks on pistachios and for Sahur meals we both had our boring fried eggs of two eggs each with cheese and mushroom. Had some apple and orange and of coz not to forget the 3 pieces each of Makmur cookies I baked for Eid. And oh yes, I did have two spoonful of green bean and durian concoction to test it's sweetness as I wanted to send it to a nearby mosque for the congregation and wanted to make sure that it tasted just right...huh...

Personally, this HCG diet has kicked in my baking instinct and I suddenly have the urge to experiment with all sort of baking be it, cakes, traditional local kuih, cookies, puddings etc. The availability of various cooking blogs are not helping as I can now access the recipes easily which otherwise I won't know anything about...huh... It just makes me feels so satisfied to see the end products and it gives me a sense of accomplishment. The problem is our will power for this Round have gone hay wire, since we have already lost so much as well as more or less achieved our weight loss complacency has settled in... NOT GOOD..

Compliance to no starch and sugar protocol in Phase 3 Maintenance is key in ensuring that our body understand and recognize the new lower base weight so our metabolism will readjust accordingly even when we start increasing our calorie intake. To introduce starch and sugar too early when we have started taking in oil/fat in Phase 3 is going to distrupt the chemical balancing in our body and will result in the body to be very volatile causing weight gain. The body needs 21 days to stabilize without starch and sugar to ensure that the body's metabolism works at it's best.. Only after the completion of 21 days of Phase 3 Maintenance, we can gradually reintroduce starch and sugar into our diet and by then our body will be able to metabolize well and stay at a stable weight. Of coz if we continue with unhealthy eating habits and take in more calories than the body can process, the whole problem of weight creeping back on will happen, after all we are what we eat.. This gain however, can be corrected early to stabilize our weight by doing a correction day of a 6 apple day or a steak day. And so far those that have done that have had good results.

Nevertheless, just to share we found that in this Round 2 Maintenance our weight have been less volatile and seems to react well to slight cheating.. No explanation for that, perhaps the body has already learnt to adjust to new base weight in the first round...or our metabolism has improved and working it's best again versus before we did HCG..


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I have been really bad in this phase Jai. Been taking carbs here and there like spring rolls etc. Raya cookies jgn citer la kan! 3 more days to end of M. do i need to do correction? i had this vision that the weight might just balloon up again as in rebound once i am done with this phase and start to take carbs on a more regular basis. scary mary!

  3. sorry abt the deleted comment above... itchy fingers! btw, about the recipe blog... i go to skinny ones, they post healthy recipes and lighter ones. even for cookies. there are a few other links from there that i like too. hope it helps

  4. Thanks on the heathy blog, tapi memang yg sinful jugak Idaman hati ku...hehehe. Anyway will try that. Tak payah correction kalau weight still within 1 kg from last weight. Generally weight will still adjust in stabilization, as in my hubby's case just that it's prone to high gain eg 1 kg if suddenly take really high calorie, but masa tu can do correction and it will work, don't worry. Somehow our body reacts positively to correction unlike before HCG... So we are more in control of where we want our weight to be.. Makan byk bila really worth it and not daily now that we know how to count calorie etc.. :)

  5. Hehehe Pyl....don't follow our bad examples... :) stay focus. See you at 60 kg. Kisses..

  6. Eh la Pyl...tinggal half je nak hug nnti if you are 60. Marah your hubby nanti... :)

  7. Yeah pyl! Ure very hard core one! Good job!
