Friday 19 August 2011

Jazz R2 Maintenance 16 & Jai R2 Maintenance 9

Dare I believed the scale today? What the .... happened? I don't understand. But I am past trying to understand...hehe...all I know is, it's a DROP, a big unexpected DROP. Jazz lost 1 kg to 81.9 kg and I lost 600 gm to 59.6 kg. Even in R2P2 I didn't get that great results, may be only in the first few days..

To say that we are happy is an understatement..

Iftar yesterday was great Mexican food at Las Carretas, Ampang. We had salad wrapped beef fajitas with cheese, short barbeque ribs and mussels cooked in cream halepenos and cilantro sauce..yumm. Took a bite of my son's chicken nugget and left over beef cheese from my daughter's Carlos skin. Enjoyed a cappuccino and latte with a little drop of Stevia to complete the meal. Nuts were the snacks of choice and Sahur meals were Nescafe with milk and lots of fruits..

I still wonder on the big losses...did we underestimate our protein portions? Did we eat too little? But we did wallop our nuts like crazy and I don't take care of my fat/oil intake, I just use olive oil and sometimes butter in my cooking and coconut milk and I did everything as per my normal cooking routine...hmm..

May be our body really like red meat in this phase, yeah! Higher protein boosting our metabolism? We certainly had an overdose of protein last night..the portions of the ribs and grilled beef fajitas were big.. Well enough of wondering....what I must say is Alhamdulillah..

I'm not gonna be worried of losing a kg or 2 more than my ideal weight as long as my calorie portions are met. After all I need the buffer for Eid's once in a year soft spots.. As otherwise I am not much of a sweet person but more of a savory one. Anyway I have noticed, even at my ideal weight I still have the not so needed fats around me...hehehe.. Talk about being ungrateful.. Well I am just being human, I know that it's been a blessing that I found out about HCG diet and successfully lose my stubborn fat as well as get my metabolism back with it. I thank Allah for this experience..

1 comment:

  1. Woweee, good loss jai! Happy for u! Btw, which day will u be in JB this raya? I met up with Ogee jsut now and she said if all of us are together in JB maybe can raya together for a while. Let us know!

    Btw, ogee looked good hehehe
