Saturday 20 August 2011

Jazz R2 Maintenance 17 & Jai R2 Maintenance 10

Today's weigh in was so so...we stabilize so no big deal. Jazz gained 100 gm to 82kg and I gained 200 gm to 59.8 kg.

Jazz had another buffet invitation for Iftar and managed to stay on protocol taking only protein and veges forfeiting the kuih and other sweet stuff. But when he got home, he ate 2 pieces of the Makmur cookies with almonds as late night snacks. I just had a piece of grilled chicken burger and spicy mee Bandung for my Iftar without the mee of coz. Cooked the gravy with lots of dried prawns, ground peanuts to thickened the sauce as I didn't use any sweet potatoes (not yet protocol friendly). It had a variety of protein ie beef, prawn, eggs and squid. I added lots of bak choy, fresh tomatoes and ACV instead of tomato sauce.....the store bought sauce normally has added sugar. With a few dash of Bragg amino liquid for flavour, the gravy was so tasty and great. Sahur was another bowl of Bandung gravy with all the vegetables and eggs. Snacks were as usual, orange, apple and almonds.

Didn't get enough sleep last night as I kept waking up in the middle of the night as hubby was making noises with his bad dreams.. I am a light sleeper and noises do not agree with me and once I had interrupted sleep, it was not easy for me to fall back to sleep.. Huh... Will try to catch up on my sleep tonite but I do want to also stay up a bit as it's the last 9th nights of Ramadhan...

This afternoon I made brown sugar with coconut milk pudding and Oreo mini muffins...I brought some to my sis in law's house in Gombak. There are some left over in the kitchen....I am pretty sure I will have a taste...may be later... I am still trying to be good... The weight loss I get despite the cheat is not's making me indisciplined which I don't like...purgh!!


  1. jai, can i have the recipe for the Bandung gravy ? hehehe

  2. Lin, check my next post....I showed the ingredients but basically banyak agak2 je eh...I like my gravy thicker so letak byk udang kering n ground peanuts..
